What inspires you to take action? When you’ve heard the story of David and Goliath countless times, it’s easy to overlook how David and the Israelites were feeling. Truth be told, I’d probably be an Israelite in that story. It’s hard to take a bold first step forward–especially when no one else has dared to take it.
But David stepped forward. He faced Goliath and won. Did you see what happened next? I don’t think I’d ever stopped to notice before:
“Then the men of Israel and Judah surged forward with a shout and pursued the Philistines to the entrance of Gath and to the gates of Ekron.”–1 Samuel 17:52a
Breaking Barriers Like David
In Chasing David, Rene Schlaepfer points out David’s role as barrier-breaker for the Israelites. He writes:
Once [David] killed the giant, the rest of the army surged forward. As John Maxwell points out, that’s what can happen every time you face a giant in your life. The minute you knock it down, other people will say, “We can do that too!” Think of how you might inspire people around you, your own children, your friends, when you can tell them honestly and transparently about the lion or bear or giant that God helped you defeat! This is what helps lead people into faith, into sobriety, into achievement. Be open about your struggles and honest about your progress. Your testimony can be a barrier-breaker for others (page 71).
I found that paragraph so inspiring! I’m not someone that naturally charges forward, jumping blindly into the unknown. But the idea that I can be a blessing by being real and genuine? I’m trying! My biggest hope for my blog in general is that it inspires and encourages you to focus on God and continue to grow in the direction he’s guiding.
Rene wrote, “Act on what you say you believe.” I have a tendency to get distracted and feel like I miss opportunities, so one of my prayers is that God makes these opportunities clear to me, and that He empowers me to be bold enough to take them. On my own, I’m awkward, self-conscious, and a people-pleaser. Through His strength, I’ve learned to be more confident and okay with not pleasing everyone. Although to be fair, I do still feel awkward a lot 😉
Rooting Your Confidence
In addition to his book, Rene has a Chasing David video series my mom and I are watching along with the study. In the second video, he shares three things to root your confidence in God (like David did).
Have Faith in God
No matter how large your anxieties are, God is bigger.
In 1 Samuel 17:37 and 45, David kept repeating “the Lord” to Saul and Goliath. Despite the literal giant standing in front of him, David’s focus and faith remained in God.
Have Faith in Your Destiny as Someone Chosen by God
David faced Goliath soon after he was anointed as Israel’s next king. He knew he was chosen by God for a specific task.
While most of us haven’t had a prophet come to our house to anoint us, the Bible tells us that if we’re in Christ, God also chose us. He has a plan for you. You belong to God and have a destiny from Him.
Have Faith in God’s Indestructible Plan for His People
David had a clear sense of his identity as one of God’s people. Do you have a clear sense of your identity in Jesus? If you’ve accepted Christ, you’re adopted into His family and are one of His people, too.
“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.”–1 Peter 2:9
You may feel small and unimportant, but you’re part of something much, much bigger. God placed you exactly where you are right now, and He’s using those day-to-day experiences to prepare you for each step along the way.
Taking Action
I liked how Rene wrapped up the video:
“The more you see yourself as part of something bigger, the less the giants of life are going to intimidate you. You and I, we’re going to face giants. Giants of discouragement, and disease, and disaster, and dysfunctional relationships…But remember: God is always bigger. God’s bigger, His plan for you is bigger, His plan for His people is bigger. So let your faith be greater than your fears! Now, one result of the faith means, like David, taking action on what you say you believe…If you believe that you are a part of something bigger, then devote yourself to that higher cause. Contribute. Take action. Action breeds confidence. When you get into gear instead of sitting on the sidelines like the Israelites were doing for 40 days, then fears tend to recede. So, no matter how small you feel your contribution is, load up your slingshot and let that pebble fly. Do what you can as part of God’s plan, and remember, the battle is the Lord’s.”
Sometimes I may need to be bold and break that barrier, taking a step forward in faith, but I don’t need to do some huge, giant project to make a difference for God’s kingdom. The ways I interact with my husband, kids, friends, and coworkers all contribute.
I tend to be very optimistic, glossing over my struggles and challenges and just focusing on the good things. This is an area I’ve been trying to grow. In an effort to be more genuine and vulnerable, I’m trying to open up more about the hard things, too. I’m asking God to help me show this authenticity, too, so I can (hopefully) be an encouragement and barrier breaker to those around me as well.